In these brief Video Summaries, DPV Group founder Michael Lanning introduces some of the key DPV concepts.
DPV Concepts For Developing Breakthrough Profitable Growth Strategies
Explore current experiences of entities across our relevant Chain…

…and formulate our winning value delivery strategy:

This section provides information about the concepts of Delivering Profitable Value (DPV), which you may find useful, and which are central to the professional services of The DPV Group.
For the most recently updated overview of the Value Delivery concepts for developing growth strategy, view and/or download the pdf Value Delivery Long-Term Growth Strategy.
For a comprehensive discussion with many illustrative cases, see the definitive book on the Value Proposition and related DPV concepts, by Michael Lanning, Delivering Profitable Value (DPV: The Book). A brief summary of the key concepts follows below, on this page; a more complete explanation is provided in the Overview. And a text white paper is provided in the Introduction to DPV.
Key Principles of DPV:
- Identify the real end-users (the ‘primary entities’) – these are the ultimate decision makers who potentially have the greatest influence on the growth and profit in our Chain
- Discover the resulting experiences that these entities and others would most value vs. our competition’s; do so by creatively and analytically inferring from what customers do – not by asking them what they want
- Choose the combination of these resulting experiences which the business could profitably deliver, and which would generate breakthrough growth
- Creatively redesign and integrate all functions, processes, and resources, building capabilities as needed, to deliver those experiences
- This is discovering and choosing a breakthrough Value Proposition, then designing & building its profitable Value Delivery System.
- DPV contrasts to being either:
- Internally-Driven: making & selling what we think we’re good at*
- Or, Customer-Compelled: requesting & following detailed input from customers*